Developing digital-Self-learning Courses in Social Entrepreneurship for the future of collaboration between University and Community
Developing digital-Self-learning Courses in Social Entrepreneurship for the future of collaboration between University and Community

Project Purpose
The project aims to develop an innovative digital self-learning course in social entrepreneurship for students and interested HE staff, strengthening universities’ civic engagement and participation in their regional communities.
Project objectives
- NATIONAL REPORTS: Prepare four national reports and a synthesis report on best practices and competencies for social entrepreneurship in the HE sector.
- POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS: Develop policy recommendations focusing on strengthening social entrepreneurship and related social participation of Higher Education Institutions in local communities. Target local policymakers and other stakeholders.
- CURRICULUM AND DIGITAL COURSE: Develop a curriculum and a digital self-learning course in social entrepreneurship tailored for universities.
- MENTORSHIP MODULE: Provide an additional course module on mentoring. Encourage participants to become mentors for other students interested in developing social entrepreneurship projects for improved university-society collaboration.
- PROJECT IDEA DEVELOPMENT: Participants in the digital self-learning course work with mentors to develop social entrepreneurship project ideas involving universities in their local communities.
- PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: Select the best social entrepreneurship projects for implementation.

Target Groups
- DIRECT BENEFICIARIES: Students, university staff, and members of NGO organizations closely aligned with HEIs.
- INDIRECT BENEFICIARIES: Policy makers benefit from policy recommendations provided in national reports and synthesis reports.
- COMMUNITY BUILDING: Creation of a stronger community of practice with enhanced civic mindedness among course participants developing real-world social entrepreneurship projects.
about project

Main data
Project number: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000158730
Project Title: Developing digital-Self-learning Courses in Social Entrepreneurship for the future of collaboration between University and Community
Project Duration: 01.09.2023 – 31.08.2025
National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: IT02 – Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ – INDIRE
Project Description
The primary objective of this project is to develop an innovative digital self-learning course in social entrepreneurship, focusing on students and interested Higher Education (HE) staff. The project aligns with the EU agenda for Higher Education, emphasizing the enhancement of universities’ civic engagement and their active participation in regional communities. Participants will engage in the development of social entrepreneurship projects under the guidance of university mentors. This initiative seeks to address the competency needs of HE staff and students, fostering social innovation and community collaboration.
The project will undertake various activities to achieve its objectives. The first involves preparing a comprehensive report on competencies in social entrepreneurship learning and formulating policy recommendations. Subsequently, a digital self-learning course in social entrepreneurship will be developed, incorporating gamification elements and providing digital completion certificates or badges. Participants in the course will work on social entrepreneurship projects to strengthen the connection between universities and their communities. The dissemination of both the course and the projects will occur through Multiplier Events.
The anticipated outcomes of the project are multifold. Firstly, universities will strengthen their role as active innovators in society, contributing to developing social entrepreneurship skills among participants. These skills, encompassing project management, entrepreneurship, and practical knowledge, will enhance participants’ employability in the labour market. The project aims to support the emerging field of social entrepreneurship in partner countries, offering policy recommendations for Higher Education. Through these initiatives, the project seeks to create a community of practice with increased civic-mindedness, focusing on practical and socially oriented teaching and learning within universities.


Project Results

Mentoring programs

Social entrepreneurship projects


Project Leader
Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e.V. (germany)
Website: https://sowibefo-regensburg.de/

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Developing digital-Self-learning Courses in Social Entrepreneurship for the future of collaboration between University and Community
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
NOTE: All translations from English into the other languages of the project partners are machine-generated.